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无论你在欧洲杯买球的哪个阶段, completing your FAFSA is the first step to ensure you get the 金融援助 you need. 按照我们下面的指南开始你的经济援助申请!


欧洲杯买球的FAFSA学校代码: 001626

如果你计划在8月至8月期间就读于犹他大学. 2024年至8月. 2025: 使用2022年的收入和税收信息提交2024-25年的FAFSA.

如果你打算去伊利诺伊大学,8月5日. 2025年至8月. 2026: 您将使用2023年起的收入和税收信息.


了解FAFSA, FSA ID并回答您的所有问题!



的 Free Application for 联邦学生资助 (FAFSA) is a free form you complete to determine your eligibility for 金融援助. You must fill out and complete the form each year in order to receive 金融援助.

通过填写FAFSA, 你正在申请几种不同类型的联邦政府, 州和/或大学的财政援助, 只需要提交一张表格. 的 University of Idaho relies on the information you provide on the FAFSA to help you pay for tuition.


To simplify the process of filling out your FAFSA, we’ve outlined four steps below.

第一步:创建你的 FSA ID

  • Your 联邦学生资助 (FSA) ID is needed to electronically sign the FAFSA and submit it. 这是与你的社会安全号码绑定的合法签名.
  • 如果你是 依赖学生,你的父母之一必须创建他们自己的FSA ID并在你的FAFSA上签名. 在线填写FAFSA表格需要两个唯一的FSA id.
  • 注意,您只需要创建一次FSA ID. 如果您忘记了您的FSA ID,请不要创建另一个帐户. 相反,你可以说“忘记我的用户名/密码了”.”

第二步:填写FAFSA表格 FAFSA.政府

  • FAFSA在线申请通常需要不到一个小时的时间来完成.
  • 当你填写FAFSA时,你必须输入“联邦学校代码”.“欧洲杯买球 联邦学校法典是001626.
  • Students and parents must approve the request to share their federal tax information on the FAFSA, 即使他们没有提交美国法律.S. 联邦纳税申报单或任何纳税申报单. Not providing consent on the FAFSA will result in not being eligible for federal student aid, 包括补助金及贷款. 

第三步:用你的FSA ID签名并提交FAFSA

  • 使用您的FSA ID以电子方式签署FAFSA申请. 如果你是 依赖学生, both you and your parents must sign the FAFSA with an FSA ID.
  • 在成功签署和提交FAFSA后, 您将在三到五天内收到一封电子邮件,其中包含您的FAFSA提交摘要, which is a summary of the information you submitted on your FAFSA and a brief overview of what you may be eligible for.


  • 一旦你收到你的FAFSA提交摘要, 检查所有信息的准确性,以避免未来的延误.
  • 如果有任何信息不准确, 请使用您的FSA ID登录FAFSA, 修改后重新提交. 您还必须用您的FSA ID签署任何FAFSA更正. 如果您更改了任何父数据, 你的父母也必须签署(这只适用于受抚养的学生). 对于修改,您不允许更改, 联系学生经济援助服务208-885-6312. 保留所有提交的信息以备记录.
  • 成功提交FAFSA后 学生资助服务办公室 notifies you via your Vandal email account to give you your next steps in the 金融援助 process. 定期检查所有的电子邮件文件夹是很重要的, 因为这是我们与你们沟通的主要方式.


查看一些 专业技巧 FAFSA. 如果你被卡住了,不知道从哪里开始申请FAFSA, 或者如果你想让别人一步一步地指导你, 学生资助服务 is here to provide you with personalized one-on-one help.


9:30 a.m. 到5点.m. 太平洋时间



注意: 如果你是在校生或被录取的学生,请附上你的简历 汪达尔人的数量 在你的邮件里.




Filling out the FAFSA is a good idea, even if you think your parents make too much money. Even if your family’s income may exceed the threshold for Pell-grant eligibility, you could qualify for other need-based aid (such as work study or need-based grants or scholarships). 除非你申请,否则你不会知道. 的re is no income limit to restrict a student from receiving low-interest federal loans. Filling out your FAFSA each year guarantees you a backup financial plan should there be a change in your family's income and you need additional funds to pay for college. You are guaranteed loans, and there is no obligation to accept them; they are there if you need them.

是的,值得花时间! 的 FAFSA opens doors to federal grants you don't have to pay back — such as the Pell Grant, which can cover the entire cost of your degree — and work-study funds you earn from a job on campus.

的 FAFSA is not complicated as long as you take your time and read the instructions for each field.

If you feel like the process is overwhelming, U of I provides one-on-one help through 亲自预约和通过Zoom. 您也可以通过以下方式与我们联系 FAFSAhelp@adjunmobile.com 208-885-6312(或免费电话888-884-3246).

是的,如果你是美国公民,你仍然可以提交FAFSA.S. 公民或合格的非公民(见 联邦学生资助 了解更多信息). 即使你的父母没有社会安全号码, they can still create a 联邦学生资助 (FSA) account to complete the parent portion of the FAFSA, 在studentaid.政府. 的 account creation process will use additional steps to verify their identity. 一旦你的父母创建了一个FSA账户, you will be able to invite your parent as a contributor in order to complete your FAFSA.

Students are encouraged to contact our office and schedule an appointment with a 金融援助 counselor if you or your family experience a significant change in financial circumstances after completing the FAFSA.

我们建议与财务援助顾问联系, 因为FAFSA审查是在学生和/或家长提交上诉表格时进行的. When an appeal form includes supporting documents, this may result in a FAFSA income recalculation.

Please note that approval is on a case-by-case basis, and the office’s decision is final. 重新评估请求可以用于特殊情况,例如:

  • 由于下岗等原因,在FAFSA上报告的收入未收到, 自雇收入终止或下降
  • 失去子女抚养费、社会保障或残疾津贴
  • 提交FAFSA后,配偶或父母分居、离婚或死亡
  • 父母至少有一半时间上大学
  • 医疗费用过高

是的! Students are allowed to use federal 金融援助 to pay for any kind of housing, 包括兄弟会, 姐妹会和校外住宿.

Your answers to the questions on the FAFSA determine your dependency status for 金融援助 purposes. Being financially independent from your parents does not make you independent for 金融援助 purposes. If you do not meet the criteria to be considered independent but can document unusual circumstances about your independence, 你应该联系伊利诺伊大学财政援助办公室寻求指导. 有关学生的依赖状态的更多信息,请访问 studentaid.政府.

为学生提供更好的金钱教育 program provides confidential one-on-one personal financial coaching to students at University of Idaho. 这个项目可以帮助学生预算和找到额外的资源,如果需要的话.

访问 日期及截止日期 查看FAFSA重要日期和截止日期的完整列表.

一旦你提交了FAFSA, 您将收到FAFSA提交摘要, 在哪里你可以看到你的答案和你的资格概述. Review the information for accuracy and ensure the University of Idaho school code “001626” is listed as one of your schools to receive the FAFSA data.

如果FAFSA的数据是准确的,你被录取了, 我们办公室将开始评奖程序. If there are errors in the data, please make the necessary corrections online by logging in at fafsa.政府.

一旦我们的办公室有了正确的数据,你就被大学录取了, 您将获得经济援助奖(也称为经济援助包). Continuing students can view their 金融援助 package on their student portal. New U of I students receive their award by mail, as well as through the student portal.




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